The mission of the Multiverse is to heal hearts, minds, and bodies from pain, unleashing one's full potential through a holistic and compassionate approach
By collecting and blending the old wisdoms and the new efficient practices from all around the world, we provide a system that:
holds an accepting space that allows one to safely explore their authentic self
illuminating the subconscious programs and allowing for transformation through a 3F method described in the Ted Talk below:
facilitates deep digging to uncover and heal the impact of traumatic experiences through a variety of methods, including coaching, meditation and hypnosis
We are driven by the fundamental questions
What potential lies within each person, what hidden opportunities can be realized through a harmonious upbringing and a favorable ecosystem, free from hardened trauma?
What opportunities does a society free from inner (mental, emotional) and outer distress (bodily, environmental) have?
What makes an advanced, harmonious and sustainable civilization: technologically, culturally, morally, and beyond? And what such civilization is capable of?